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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Suspended Soap Program

So this morning while perusing the Facebook-iverse, our fearless leader happened upon one of those Pay-It-Forward memes that have become so popular lately. This one, however, really touched her heart.

Would something like this work for soap, she wondered. She had read recently that one of the hardest things about homelessness is the inability to get clean. That inability can be very demoralizing. Could the gift of a bar of soap make a difference to someone in need? She posted that very question on to the Facebook page for Pip & Lola's and the response was a pretty quick, resounding YES. Not two hours later, a customer came into the shop and the topic of the suspended soaps came up and the customer instantly bought one which is now sitting in a bag on the shelf waiting for someone in need to come in to claim it.

And thus our new Suspended Soap Program has been brought into existence.

It is a pretty simple thing. If you wish, you can purchase a soap and we will will place it into a bag (for now) to wait for a person in need. We will be contacting local food banks, homeless shelters and other local organizations to let them know about our program. All a person in need has to do is ask if we have any "suspended" soaps. If we have any available, they will be gifted - no questions asked.

Please share this with your friends and colleagues. Let's help some people with this very basic human need. Cleanliness.

Thank you and make it a great day.

For more information about Pip & Lola's find us on Facebook or visit us in person at Freighthouse Square!


  1. I saw the same thing on Facebook & thought it would be amazing if Tacoma businesses starting do this too! Congratulations on taking that leap & doing something wonderful for someone less fortunate!

  2. Thank you. I have frequently seen things like this and hoped "someone" would do it. I am glad it finally occurred to me that I could be a "someone."
